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For over 20 years, Glacial Multimedia has designed and developed industry leading medical websites and digital marketing campaigns, helping doctors and their practices reach new levels of success. Glacial Multimedia can be found at:

619 Brighton Ave, Suite 201
Portland, Maine 04102
(207) 878-5900

Glacial Multimedia Medical Website Design services Glacial Multimedia is a Google Premier Partner Glacial Multimedia is a Facebook partner Glacial Multimedia Healthcare Marketing
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Cataract Self-Test

Are you experiencing cloudy or yellowed vision?
Have you been diagnosed with cataracts?
Take our free online cataract self-evaluation quiz

click here
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Patient Portal

Easy. Convenient. Secure.

With the Prado Vision Patient Portal, you can connect with your doctor through a safe and secure environment at your convenience.
Log-in or sign up today!

click here